Diablo Strategy*
Jarulf's Guide to Diablo, the definitive in-depth guide to Diablo.
*This page is neither affiliated with nor supported by Blizzard Entertainment.
File names in Red are created by other companies/individuals that are
neither affiliated with nor supported by Blizzard Entertainment.
Battle.net Music Player - Listen to the music from StarCraft, Diablo I, Diablo II, and Diablo II:
Lord of Destruction.
Font Utility - An easy to use program for changing your Battle.net font Note: This program only works with Warcraft II BNE, Diablo I, Starcraft, and Starcraft BroodWar
PC - http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/misc/FontUtility.zip [12.4 KB]
PC: Brood War Sound Utility
This sound utility will allow you to change the sound effects in StarCraft: Brood War.
Note: requires 100 MB of available hard disk space.
PC: StarCraft Sound Utility
This sound utility will allow you to change the sound effects in StarCraft.
Note: requires 80 MB of available hard disk space.