Cost: 360 / 210(upgrade)
HP: 2500 / 3000 / 3500 / 4000
Armor: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Food: 12
Build Time: 140

You can upgrade your Keep to a Castle. The Castle is the toughest Human Town Hall and enables the highest-level of units and upgrades.


75 / 1
Basic worker unit. Can harvest gold and lumber, build structures and Repair. Can become Militia. Attacks land units.
Units Produced:


Call to Arms

Call all nearby Peasants to the Town Hall to be converted to Militia. Lasts 45 seconds.
Back to Work

Call all nearby Militia to the Town Hall to be converted to Peasants.

50 / 25
Requires: Arcane Vault
Upgrade Time: 20 sec.
Gives specific Human ground units the ability to carry items.

Call to Arms

Back to Work

Upgrades Available:


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