The Workshop is where Flying Machines, Mortar Teams, and Siege Engines are built.
Units Produced:
Flying Machine
90 / 30 / 1
Fast moving flying machine. Excellent at scouting, and effective against air units. Can learn the Flying Machine Bombs
and Flak Cannons upgrades. Can see invisible units.
Mortar Team
180 / 70 / 3
Long-range siege weaponry. Exceptional damage versus buildings, but slow and vulnerable. Can learn the
Fragmentation Shards and Flare abilities. Attacks land units and trees.
Siege Engine
195 / 60 / 3
Requires: Castle
Heavily armored vehicle, effective at destroying buildings. Can be upgraded with the Barrage ability.
100 / 150
Requires: Castle
Upgrade Time: 40 sec.
Upgrades the weapons on Flying Machines to give them an area effect damage attack against air units.
Flying Machine Bombs
150 / 100
Requires: Castle
Upgrade Time: 35 sec.
Allows Flying Machines to attack land units.
50 / 50
Requires: Keep
Upgrade Time: 30 sec.
Provides Mortar Teams with the Flare ability. This gives Mortar Teams flares which can use to reveal any area of the map.
Can see invisibile units.
Fragmentation Shards
50 / 100
Requires: Castle
Upgrade Time: 40 sec.
Upgrades the mortar shells on Mortar Teams to increase their area effect damage.
50 150
Requires: Castle
Upgrade Time: 40 sec.
Gives Siege Engines powerful Dwarven rockets that can attack nearby enemy air units.