
An Orc warrior died here while protecting the woman he loved. Both their names have been forgotten, but the powerful magic of his sacrifice reshaped the land into a lasting tribute to her.
Suggested Players: 1v1 or 2v2
Size: Small
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Rich Man's Garden
A very rich man owns these gardens. Steal his money - if you can.
Suggested Players: FFA, 3v3, or 4v4
Size: Medium
Tileset: Cityscape
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The best way into the heart of your enemy isn't always the direct path.
Suggested Players: FFA or 2v2
Size: Medium
Tileset: Northrend
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Enakro's Way
When Enakro faced Tasarus, the ground was torn asunder and the valley was divided into two. The leader of
each clan formed their strongholds on the plateau nearest their enemy, and built fortifications with which to
stop the enemy from passing.
Suggested Players: 3v3
Size: Medium
Tileset: Ashenvale
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