Players: Sweet
, FoV (FourKings) 
Map: Gnoll Wood
Game 1: Gnoll wood with a fountain of health in the middle.

The game is undead vs undead with FourKings (Fov) spawning at 8 o'clock playing as yellow while WE.IGE.Sweet (Sweet) spawns at 6 o'clock playing as purple.
Fov is going with the traditional crypt,zig,altar build order.
On the other hand Sweet is opting for the fast hero build order: crypt,altar,zig.
The most popular undead mirror match strategy is the lich hero with ghoul warriors and then adding in gargoyles when you reach the required Halls of the Dead level 2 main hall. From this point onward, you build whatever your opponent is weak against whether it be crypt fiends (they don't have very many ghouls) or destroyers (they have too many ghouls).
Sweet goes with a very early tech replacing the standard Tomb of relics building with a graveyard and heading straight for Fov's base with a lich and three ghouls. The tomb of relics is often picked for the ability to buy Rods of Necromancy from it. These vital rods add skeleton warriors early game and provide sacrificial mana later game.
Fov has two more ghouls than sweet but hasn't teched yet which probably spells a brutal acolyte harass.
Fov sees sweet coming and quickly kills a sheep for a corpse to cast Rod of Necromancy on.
Sweet is forced to run once he sees Fov's superior army and firepower. Sweet's only choice here is to stall as long as possible to get additional ghouls built up at his base. If he were to run directly back to his base, his acolytes would be wiped out for sure.
Sweet is upgrading a nerubian tower to shoot frost beams at fov's ghouls to slow them down. Meanwhile, Fov is heading straight for Sweet's acolytes. If sweet loses an acolyte, it will hurt him tremendously as he cannot rebuild them until his main hall is done upgrading.
Sweet's cold tower is up and he tells it to focus on Fov's hero to slow him down.
Sweet casts frost nova on Fov's lich hero and kills it. Fov's ghouls are still relentlessly chasing down Sweet's remaining 2/5 acolytes.
Excellent use of manually refocusing the cold tower on each ghoul by Sweet. Fov eventually gets all but one of Sweet's acolytes and is forced to leave because Sweet leveled up and can now cast another frost nova!
Fov lost everything except two ghouls. On the other hand, Sweet wasn't mining gold that whole time. Fov has12370 gold left in his mine and Sweet has 13110 left in his leaving him almost a 1000 gold disadvantage to Fov.
An encounter in the middle of the map forces Fov to heal his lich at the health fountain.
Sweet is nearing level 3 on his hero and places a sentry ward in Fov's base.
Meanwhile, Fov is killing the dragon in the middle for a strength tome and Boots of Quel'Thalas with only his hero and two gargoyles! Sweet throws up another sentry ward in the middle healing fountain and uses it to get a killing blow on Fov's gargoyle before it can heal.
Both players are still not building a second hero Death Knight!! Each player is trying to do whatever he can to get the slightest edge and it's a very even game. Fov decides to pick up boots of speed instead of training a death knight to heal his lich. Sweet decides to neither build a death knight or buy boots of speed until later. Mostly because level 3 frost nova is devastating versus gargoyles and because there is already a healing fountain on this map.
Now Fov has built an invisible scout shade and placed it to follow Sweets hero around.
Both players are still mopping up the easy creeps because if you get attacked while creeping something big in undead mirror, the game is over for three key reasons. First, your units won't be full health when you decide to teleport back to your base. Second, The lich's frost spell is area of effect so the moment you teleport in, He's going to nova every single one of your units. Third, Gargoyles have such a high air to air damage output, You will lose half of your gargoyles before you are done running away.
Fov accidently runs his shade into Sweet's sentry ward so Sweet kills it.
Fov checking out Sweet's base and deciding he doesn't want to attack yet.
Both players head for each other now. Fov is packing a healing scroll and a protection scroll while Sweet only has a healing scroll. Frost nova is going off on the tightly packed gargoyles. A nice heads up play by Fov by going to the shop to buy another healing scroll mid-battle.
Bad news for Fov though as a lot of his gargs are close to 100hp. Coincidentally, frost nova does 100 Area of Effect damage!! Fov is left with four gargoyles and a level 4 lich while sweet has a level 5 lich with level 3 frost nova.
After the battle both players are fighting for healing at the center fountain. Fov has another shade out now and Sweet has a healing staute out.
Back at Sweet's base, A sacrifical pit is going up to make shades out of acolytes.
Sweet harrasses Fov's base with a 28 food army to kill a ghoul but is forced out and loses a garg to Fov's superior 36 food army.
Sweet leaves his Lich behind though and surely enough, his level 3 frost nova is extremely lethal to packed gargoyles and Sweet actually comes out on top!!!
Fov getting his level 5 lich hero while sweet kills his acolytes.
Sweet misplaces a gargoyle after his harrass and Fov is quick to retrieve it for him. Yum gargoyle bones.
Encounter North of Fov's base giving Sweet level 6.
Fov building a slaughter house and his 2nd hero, the death knight, is almost done while Sweet has just begun to build his death knight.
Fov Tps home after harassing Sweet's base and just in time to prevent his base from being harassed. Some of you may be thinking, "What the heck? Are undead players harassers in real life?" Nope haha, they just don't want to fight directly yet because no player has a definite advantage.
Nice nova by Sweet eradicating Fov's units.
A nice block with his death knight letting the lich kill the statue.
Fov is researching Black Citadel, the level 3 town hall upgrade and is still building gargoyles. Sweet has decided to switch to fiends to counter Fov's gargoyles and has not teched to tier 3 yet.
Sweet's death knight is in trouble but he is finishing off Fov's webbed gargoyles with the rest of his army. Meanwhile, Fov is switching to ghouls to counter Sweet's fiends. Will the weak ghouls be able to hold up against Sweet's lich? Maybe a dread lord with sleep would come in handy here.
Bad news bears for Sweets fiends if he doesn't get his death knight revived soon! Believe it or not, Fov kills 2 of these fiends and forces Sweet to dark ritual one of them. Dark ritual means that the lich hero sacrifices the unit for mana thus denying Fov experience points.
A very nice move by sweet here. He very cleverly placed a shade at his opponents building expansion and bought a staff of teleportation to teleport to it while Fov was off creeping!!
Very Very unlucky for Fov here. If he would have gotten one more hit in before he casted sleep and nova on Sweet's hero, this game would have gone to Fov.
A crypt lord and another statue out for Sweet. Obsidian statues can heal and they can turn into destroyers which counter ghouls but get countered by fiends and gargoyles.
Both players continue to level up their heros but Sweet's crypt lord is the unlucky target of a golem with an attitude. Right when he went to coil his weak crypt lord, his death knight got stunned. Sweet picks up a orb of corruption from his shop and his death knight gathers a scroll of restoration from the golem who had a grudge against the crypt lord.
Fov is hurting for gold right now and is forced to set up an expansion and creep for more gold. His dread lord levels up to level three.
Here comes Sweet to shut down Fov's expo before it gets rolling, but Fov won't stand for this. This is the final battle. Fov has no hard counter to Sweet's two destroyers because gargoyles will get webbed down by Sweet's fiends. Destroyers do 200% damage to ghouls. Ghouls do 150% damage to fiends. Fiends do 100% to ghouls. Sweet has some nice impales from the crypt lord and Fov says good game.
The end.
Thanks for reading.