Players: Rainman (DiscMePlease)
, Pollux (WizPizSizZiZ) 
Map: Lost Temple
First, a history. The match is the semifinal of the Lordaeron qualification tournament for Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational 2. The winner of this match is going to Korea. Incidentally, it didn't matter, as both players went anyway. But pretend it's a really tense match anyway, OK?
The round 3 starting map is Lost Temple, both players happy that the matchup is Elf mirror.

The spawns are at 6 and 3 o'clock, good spawns for Rainman. If Pollux wants an easy expansion, it'll end up being pretty far from his base.
The matchup starts up anything but typical. While most players assume a mass Huntress mirror, Pollux opens with a Demon Hunter and Archers, hoping to win with a second hero and higher-tier units. Meanwhile, the Priestess of the Moon of Rainman peeks into Pollux's base and thanks to the Earth's rotation, kills an Archer before the sun goes down.
Both players collect themselves and head toward the now-found temple in the center of the map. Pollux attempts to creep, while Rainman, knowing better than to let an Archer army get away from Huntresses, continues to creep-jack. They part ways, and after finishing off the remnants of the trolls, Rainman goes to capitalize on the glory of Huntress bounce: Killing his opponent's gold mine and the repairing Wisps at the same time.
Rainman succeeds in killing the Entangled Gold Mine as well as five Wisps, but at the cost of three Huntresses and his Town Portal. Already at Tree of Ages, Pollux moves on to put down an Ancient of Lore for Dryads as his Keeper of the Grove comes out. Still at tier 1, Rainman does what he does best: Making more Huntresses.
The game remains fast-paced as Rainman grabs another creep-jack, this time at the small Gnoll camp just outside of Pollux's base.
The casualty report totals three Huntresses (who have 1-0 upgrades at this point) for Rainman and five Archers for Pollux, while a heavily injured Keeper of the Groves successfully circumnavigates the temple to return home without death.
Rainman attempts to push Pollux's base with this advantage, making him cancel his second Ancient of Lore as well as adding a sixth Wisp to the kill total. However, Entangle proves too much for a Huntress while a second drops to creeps.
Rainman is now teching for Tree of Ages and adding in Archers in order to find a counter to the Dryads that are now reinforcing Pollux's army. After creeping and setting up an expansion, Rainman grabs his seventh Wisp kill.
Pollux takes the fountain as his own, rewarded with a Greater Healing Potion and Wand of the Wind while Rainman buys a new Town Portal and a Healing Scroll, reaching level 4 on his Priestess thanks to the local Goblin Merchant. But on the way back, he loses two Archers to Slow Poison and Entangle.
Pollux forces Rainman to cancel his expansion, and they soon trade Town Portals at Pollux's base. Rainman tries to kill an Ancient of Lore before he leaves, but only succeeds in causing the death of another Huntress.
At this point Pollux now takes his Goblin Merchant while Rainman tries to sneak in an expansion between their bases. After creeping the Goblin Laboratory and gaining Unholy Aura via item, Rainman heads north, running straight into Pollux's army, bringing an opposing Huntress down to 2 hp before being Rejuvenated back into better health. Pollux, seemingly one step ahead, is already teching for Bears while Rainman is stuck massing 2-1 upgraded Archers. The battle ends with both players retreating thanks to Rainman camping on the ledge to the left.
However, Pollux is not done, and upon reaching Bears, pushes on Rainman's base. Luckily for him, he has a few Hippogryphs ready to take on Archers, hoping to win with the least-used unit in the history of Elf.
Pollux appears scared and decides he'll kill the expansion to the left of Rainman's base while Hippogryph Riders hope to make short work of even more Wisps. Kill count: 4
Pollux rushes up the ramp to Rainman's base while the Hipporiders make a short detour to kill Pollux's expansion under construction.
Upon returning home, and epic battle takes place. Rainman hopes to rid Pollux's army of anti-air, focusing Archers with the Priestess and his remaining Huntresses, while Hipporiders focus the Dryads.
Surprisingly, despite the matchup being Bears vs Archers, Rainman loses almost nothing, while levelling up his Priestess to 6 after killing the Keeper and one last Archer.
Rainman wastes no time in sending the Hipporiders in for more harassment. However, success is limited thanks to a quick Orb of Venom purchase for anti-air. Rainman checks for expansions while setting up two more of his own. One Hippogryph Rider is traded for three more Wisps and an Ancient of Wonders.
Pollux, fed up with the Hipporiders constantly retreating over trees, mounts an attack on Rainman's base. With the Hipporiders busy attacking Pollux's Entangled Gold Mine, Rainman is left with a very scarce army to fight off Pollux.
Thanks to the Ancient of War, Rainman is able to kill the opposing Keeper, allowing him to cast Starfall and buy more time. Meanwhile, the Hipporiders tag on 4 more Wisp kills and begin killing the rest of Pollux's base. Rainman's base suffers the same fate, as he is forced to TP out after losing all but his Priestess and an Archer.
The game becomes base race as Pollux begins building an Ancient of War toward the middle of the map and moving on to raze Rainman's first expansion right next to his main base. The Priestess and Archer have now met up with the remaining 7 Hippogryph Riders to see if they can kill buildings faster than a Demon Hunter, 3 Bears, and 6 Archers.
But with Trees of Life built in every conceivable corner and only one building left for Pollux, Rainman makes a mad dash for the game-ending building kill.