We are pleased to announce Season IV, the fourth edition of the Battle.net Warcraft III ladder seasons. Players may be excited to note that we have refined this season to focus more on competitive gaming. The upcoming season has a new format, with the addition of three elite ladders hosted on the Kalimdor, Northrend, and Azeroth realms. These ladders will initially be populated on an invitation-only basis and feature the world’s most established and successful Warcraft III players. Each will function as a standard Battle.net solo ladder, with their own web interface displaying rankings, and their own map pools.
The Season IV ladders will also serve as the invitation mechanism for future Blizzard tournaments. To ensure that all players eventually have the opportunity to compete for seeds in the final events, we’ll be refreshing the player pool for each of the ladders at the end of the season. Inactive and low-ranking players from these tournament ladders will be removed in favor of the top-ranked players on the standard Battle.net solo ladders.
With the start of Season IV, we will be using three new ladders. These ladders will be located on the Kalimdor, Northrend, and Azeroth realms. Each participant will play on the realm closest to their own geographical location. These ladders will have roughly 100-150 players on them, and there will be no restrictions for the AMM (automated matchmaking system). This means that the top player could be pitted against someone much lower on the ladder, but it also means that search times should be faster, as AMM searches will only be impacted by player availability.
A large portion of players for Season IV will be invited by Blizzard to participate based on previous tournament success and also on their current standing in this season’s ladder. Each player will receive a unique icon for the new season and will be able to view and play on the new ladders.
Season IV will last approximately two months, and upon completion, Blizzard will arrange for the top players from each ladder to participate in the offline regional qualifiers. Those who succeed in the regional qualifiers will then go head-to-head in the global finals. Unlike Season III, the Season IV finals will be hosted at a dedicated event set up solely for the purpose of closing out the season with a bang. More information will be released in the future, so please stay tuned to www.battle.net.