Cost: 180 / 50
HP: 900
Armor: 5
Build Time: 60

Altar of Storms
The Altar of Storms is where the Horde's Heroes are recruited and where they are revived if they are slain.

Heroes Produced:
Shadow Hunter

425 / 100 / 5
Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward and Big Bad Voodoo. Attacks land and air units.

425 / 100 / 5
Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm. Attacks land units.
Far Seer

425 / 100 / 5
Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake. Attacks land and air units.
Tauren Chieftain

425 / 100 / 5
Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Endurance Aura and Reincarnation. Attacks land units.

Shadow Hunter


Far Seer

Tauren Chieftain

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