Deckard Cain
A Horadrim sage, schooled in the most arcane history and lore, who can advise you.
Identify Items - Cain will Identify all of the unidentified Items in your Inventory.
Guards the way into the Chaos Sanctuary.
Male warrior shopkeeper.
Repair - Repair damaged Weapons and Armor for a price.
Trade - Sells Armor, Weapons, Bolts and Arrows.
Female warrior shopkeeper.
Heals - Jamella will refill your Life, Mana and Stamina for free.
Trade - Sells Armor, Weapons, Staves, Wands, Scepters, Tomes, Potions, and Scrolls.
Gamble - For a price, Jamella will sell you an unidentified item. Once purchased, the item
will be identified and you will see what item you received. For more on Gambling go
Once a trusted companion of Tyrael, Izual fell from the graces of heaven. Now trapped within a
demonic husk in the forsaken realms beyond the Pandemonium Fortress, you must find and release
him to find out the dark secrets he holds.
The Archangel Tyrael. He came here to prevent Diablo from freeing his brother, Baal, but he has failed.
Now Terror and Destruction roam free throughout the world.
*Note: The Items shown being sold by the Vendors may not be exactly what you see.
Some items will vary.
You can return to Act III by using the Waypoint.
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