Den of Evil
Kashya's rogue scouts have found a nearby cave filled with shadowy creatures and horrors
from beyond the grave. Akara fears that these creatures are massing for an attack
against the encampment. Destroy all of the monsters in the Den of Evil including any Champions
or Unique monsters.
Given by first talking to Akara.
Tip: Search Blood Moor for the Den of Evil.
Sisters' Burial Grounds
Kashya's Rogue scouts have reported an abomination in the Monastery graveyard. Blood Raven,
one of the Rogue's finest captains in the battle against Diablo at Tristram, has been corrupted
by Andariel. She can be found in the Monastery graveyard raising the Rogue's dead as zombies. You
must help the Rogues destroy her.
Given by Kashya after completing the Den of Evil Quest or by encountering the
Burial Grounds.
Tip: Search the Cold Plains for the path leading to the Burial Grounds.
The Search for Cain
Akara informs you that you are facing an evil difficult to comprehend and there is one
Horadrim Sage, schooled in the most arcane history and lore who could help you. He is known as Deckard Cain. You must travel to Tristram to find him. To begin your quest the people of the Rogue
encampment tell you to find bark from the Tree of Inifuss which holds mystical runes. Take the
bark to Akara. Once she has translated it she tells that you
find the Cairn Stones and touch them in the order written.
Given by Akara after killing Blood Raven or by encountering the Tree of Inifuss.
Tip: Search Dark Wood for the Tree of Inifuss (through the Underground Passage),
find the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field.
The Forgotten Tower
The Tower Tome recounts a story of a Countess who was buried alive. Her castle in which so many
cruel deeds took place fell rapidly to ruin. Rising over the buried dungeons, a solitary tower
is all that remains. The Countess's fortune was said to be divided among the clergy, although
some say that more remains unfound, still buried in the tower.
The levels of the Forgotten Tower are larger in Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels.
Given by finding the Moldy Tome in the Stony Field.
Tip: Search the Stony Field for the tome and locate the tower in the Black Marsh.
Multiplayer Reward: Free-For-All.
Tools of the Trade
When Charsi fled the Monastery she left behind her Horadric Malus, an enchanted smithing hammer.
If you can retrieve it for her, she will use its magic to strengthen one of your items with magical powers.
The Malus is guarded by the Smith.
Given by Charsi after completing the Forgotten Tower quest or by entering the
Inner Cloister.
Multiplayer Reward: All players in the party receive the award.
Tip: Search the Barracks. Choose wisely which item you want to imbue.
Note: You must be at least level 8 before you can complete this quest.
Sisters to the Slaughter
It's time to face the demon queen Andariel, who has corrupted the rogue sisterhood and defiled
their ancient monastery. You must kill her before the Monastery becomes a permanent outpost
of hell and the way east lost forever.
Given by Cain or by entering Catacombs 4.
Tip: Find Catacombs Level 4.