Rite of Passage
You are making your way up to the top of the mountain. None here would ever dare get as close to it as you have.
It is sacred to those of Harrogath; our most holy place. The legends say that it is guarded by the
Ancient Ones. They block the path of all the unworthy.
It makes no difference what Qual-Kehk or the others think of you. It will be the Ancients that decide
if you are worthy of this battle. Good luck.
Given by Qual-Kehk or reach the top of the mountain.
Tip: You must destroy all 3 Ancients without leaving the area. If you leave they will be
reset. If you open a Town Portal the Ancients will be reset. If no one is alive on the Summit (everyone
is dead or in town), the Ancients will be reset. The Ancients are very tough. Try to focus on killing
the easiest or weakest one (depends on your class, skills or party) and finish them off. Static Field
works great on Ancients without Lightning Immune or Resistance. Next move on to the next weakest
Reward: The maximum experience gain is limited to 1 character level.
You cannot get credit for this quest unless your Character Level is at least 20 on Normal difficulty, at least 40 in Nightmare, and at least 60 on Hell difficulty.
Eve of Destruction
Beware. As you enter the gates to the mountain you will not be alone. Baal, the Lord of Destruction,
is already inside.
Tyrael has always been our protector, but even he cannot help us now. Baal has blocked our spiritual
presence from entering the chamber of the Worldstone. Only you mortal have any chance of defeating him now.
He threatens the Worldstone and with it the world itself. You must stop Baal before it is too late.
If he gains control of the Worldstone all is lost.
Given by the Ancients.
Tip: Find the Throne of Destruction. Defeat all Monsters in Baal's Throne Room. Then enter the
Worldstone Chamber and defeat Baal. Baal can spawn in duplicates of himself. Try to keep track of
the real Baal (like the shell game) and do not waste your time attacking the "fake" Baal.
Static Field works very nicely on Baal to bring him down. Baal has many special abilities. Just focus
on heading directly for him and beat him up!