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February 26, 1999
"You can't make me go back there."
Sgt. Matthew Murdoch - Veteran of 2 tours of duty on Urthos III
The small, mineral rich moon of Urthos III was one of the mostly fiercely contested territories during the recent UED conflict.
It changed hands so often (and in such a bloody fashion) that the area eventually became known simply as the Meatgrinder.
Thousands died there in pitched battles that often involved multiple forces from each species. Although the battlefields there are
now quiet, ambitious leaders in search of crystals to fuel their ravenous machines of war tend to forget the costs of holding
such a place...
Enlarged View (198k)
- 96x96 Jungle World
- Recommended for 2-8 players

February 19, 1999
"The surface of Char can reach such extreme temperatures that mineral deposits become
molten and form rivers of crystal that flow across the planet's surface. A recent application
of space geodetic techniques to this phenomenon has measured the amount and spatial pattern of
net vertical crustal deformation and shows that these rivers sometimes snake across the planetary
mantle in this liquid state for months before finally hardening. Mineral laden pathways are then created and can be seen
protruding from the obsidian landscape, serving as both landmarks and rich mining fields."
-- Kel-Morian Combine GPS Survey Report
Enlarged View (146k)
- 192x128 Ashworld
- Recommended for 2-4 players

February 12, 1999
is for Vultures, whose voices are strained
is for Archives, where Templar are trained
is for Larva, the Zerg's working class
is for Extractor, it gets Vespene gas
is for Nexus, a key Protoss factor
is for Titan, the Explorer's reactor
is for Infested, like Terrans exploding
is for Nydus, a canal quite foreboding
is for Ensnare, so you can't get away
and this Map is for You, on this Valentine's Day
Enlarged View (163k)
- 256x256 Jungle World
- Suggested Players: 2-7

February 5, 1999
Enslavers: Dark Vengeance
Episode I: The Rescue
A Single Player Veteran Level Campaign.
(Look in the campaign folder in your maps directory for the original Enslavers missions)
The original Enslavers missions occurred just after the fall of the Confederacy. The infamous
pirate Alan Schezar employed Ghosts to enslave a Zerg Cerebrate and used its minions towards
his own nefarious ends. Though Protoss and Dominion heroes banded together and put an end to his
schemes by destroying his strongholds, Schezar himself was never found.
The events of Enslavers: Dark Vengeance take place just after the energies of the Xel'Naga
temple scoured the Zerg from Shakuras. With the Zerg gone, the Protoss now take time to mourn
over the loss of their fellow warriors on Aiur. It is widely rumored that a few wounded heroes
may still live upon the ravaged Protoss homeworld. If they were to be rescued and transplanted
into Dragoon walkers, the fallen heroes would still be able to fight alongside their brethren.
Return to Aiur and rescue the fallen!
To have these levels run properly, they must BOTH be placed in the campaign folder in your StarCraft/maps directory.
- Requires Brood War to play
- Single Player Veteran Level Campaign
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