Claw Damage Formulae
Claw Stats bonus:
[Dex x 0.0075] + [Str x 0.0075] + 1
[]: Use up to the second decimal point. (ex. 1.6875 use 1.68)
[225 x 0.0075] + [225 x 0.0075] + 1
[1.6875] + [1.6875] + 1
[1.68] + [1.68] + 1
Claw Mastery, Dragon Claw & Tiger Strike:
FinalMin = {(StatsBonus + (skill%bonus)) x WeaponDamageMin}
FinalMax = {(StatsBonus + (skill%bonus)) x WeaponDamageMax}
{}: Ignore everything after the decimal point. (ex. 422.92 use 422)
[]: Use up to the second decimal point. (ex. 1.6875 use 1.68)
19-40 +223% +74 max (61-203); 402 str; 169 dex; level 11 Claw Mastery
(+75%) + level 1, charge 1 Tiger Strike (+100%); level 1 Dragon Claw (+50%)
MAX = {(([402 x 0.0075] + [169 x 0.0075] + 1) + (0.75 + 1.00 + 0.50)) x 185}
MAX = {(([3.015] + [1.2675] + 1) + 2.25) x 185}
MAX = {((3.01 + 1.26 + 1) + 2.25) x 185}
MAX = {(5.27 + 2.25) x 185}
MAX = {7.52 x 185}
MAX = {1391.2}
MAX = 1391