
This land is shot with veins of gold, gleaming with the promise of wealth and power. Don't be lured into complacency. Expand early and often, or you cannot hope to achieve greatness.
Suggested Players: 3v3, 4v4, or FFA
Size: Large
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer

After a bloody deadlock that lasted three long years, the Centaur became the undisputed rulers of these wild plains. Claim as many gold mines as possible, or you will fall to the hate of your enemy.
Suggested Players: 2v2 – 4v4, or FFA
Size: Medium
Tileset: Barrens
Hunt for eggs on Bunny Island.
The Easter Bunny will share his eggs if you can catch up with him. Be careful, though:
the island hosts a gang of evil bunnies who will try to stop you.
Suggested Players: 4 to 8
Size: Medium
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer

There's lush greenery in every direction, but nary a spare coin to be found. Still, with a wee bit o' luck, you and your neighbor can earn a bounty by slaying any beasties nearby.
Suggested Players: 2v2, 4v4 or FFA
Size: Medium
Tileset: Ashenvale

Once a thriving mining region, Hearthglen Hills is now overrun with vile creatures who scrounge for what little gold remains.
Suggested Players: 2v2 or FFA
Size: Small
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer

An Orc warrior died here while protecting the woman he loved. Both their names have been forgotten, but the powerful magic of his sacrifice reshaped the land into a lasting tribute to her.
Suggested Players: 1v1 or 2v2
Size: Small
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer

The most loathsome and malevolent of creatures have settled here. Sleepless malice keeps them locked in eternal conflict, so that even the river stinks of death.
Suggested Players: 2v2 or 3v3
Size: Medium
Tileset: Black Citadel
This war has raged for generations. Don't be deceived by the river's clarity. Its icy waters have often run red with blood, and soon the River of Souls will feast on the fallen again.
Suggested Players: 2v2 or 3v3
Size: Medium
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier

The most hardened criminals in the universe are held here, in a jail devised by those that would rather never see such vile creatures set free.
Suggested Players: 1 to 6
Size: Medium
Tileset: Black Citadel

Lush greenery has almost succeeded in cloaking the ruins of a city whose name has passed into memory. Pay heed to its mute testimony: peace is fragile where resources are in demand.
Suggested Players: 4v4, 6v6, or FFA (no 5v5s allowed!)
Size: Large
Tileset: Sunken Ruins

Decorated with the bones of long-dead adventurers, this desolate expanse of rock seems to have little worth fighting over. Yet the locals often lock horns over every barren inch. Join the fray if you can.
Suggested Players: 3v3 or 4v4
Size: Medium
Tileset: Outland

Take heed while you explore these eerie lands. You may find that the dead have a distinctly odd sense of humor. Is that the gleam of polished steel, or the glitter of gold? Trick... or treat?
Suggested Players: 2v2 or 3v3
Size: Medium
Tileset: Black Citadel

Forged from the remnants of Draenor, this long-forgotten island was once a haven for outcasts. Now all that remains are relics of ancient battles and lost souls.
Suggested Players: 2v2, 3v3, or FFA
Size: Medium
Tileset: Outland