Over the millennium, many hard-won battles have assured a place where fallen generals and countless soldiers of history watch over this land forever.
Suggested Players: 1v1, 2v2 or FFA
Size: Medium
Tileset: Ashenvale
Thump... Thump... War approaches. Booming drums call the troops to death and glory. The lines are drawn, and alliances are set. Nothing will hold back the bloodshed. War is here. Thump... Thump!
Suggested Players: 2v2 or 3v3
Size: Small
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer

Devastated by clashing armies and their blistering waves of magic, this wasteland's only remaining value is as a strategic chokehold. In the right hands, it will turn the tides of war.
Suggested Players: 1v1 – 3v3 or FFA
Size: Small
Tileset: Barrens

Deep in the Ashenvale forest is a grove under the intermittent protection of a deadly Green Dragon. Word has it this region is only safe for travel in winter... or was that summer?
Suggested Players: 2v2 or 4v4
Size: Medium
Tileset: Ashenvale Forest

Even this far south, Northrend has no mercy. Bitter winds slice through the thickest clothes, and cunning arctic beasts race down the slopes to prey upon unsuspecting settlers.
Suggested Players: 3v3 or 4v4
Size: Medium
Tileset: Northrend