Diablo (Demon)
Diablo spent two centuries slowly working to corrupt the Soulstone
that imprisoned him. In time, he was able to extend his influence
into the surrounding area and corrupt both King Leoric and his archbishop,
Lazarus. The King proved too strong to fully control, so the Demon
took possession of his son, Prince Albrecht. Diablo then began to
shape an outpost of Hell within the catacombs that ran beneath the
town of Tristram. By spreading terror into the surrounding countryside,
the Demon was able to attract many heroes who came to cleanse the
land of evil. By the time the strongest of these heroes reached
this goal, though, he had become fully influenced by the will of
Diablo. In his twisted state, this adventurer believed that the
only way to fully control the Demon was to plunge the shard of the
Soulstone into his own head. This, of course, was exactly what Diablo
had planned as the Demon now had an even stronger body to use to
find his brothers and complete his ultimate plan...
Tips and Other Additional Information
Full Lightning and
Fire Resistance will help a lot against Diablo. With high Physical
Damage Reduction and Fire/Lightning Absorption, Diablo will end
up healing you over time instead of damaging you.
Diablo may cast his
special Bone Prison on you, your hirelings, and around your Town
Portals to prevent you from escaping.
The Red Lightning
Hose deals half physical, half lightning damage. Full Lightning
Resistance and Damage Reduction/a high Block Rate may allow you
to survive this attack.
Diablo uses the following Skills: Fire Nova, Red Lightning Hose,
Cold Touch, Fire Wall, Firestorm, Bone Prison, Charge, Taunt (does