The following are classed as boss monsters:
Like Super Unique monsters, bosses always spawn in every game and in the same location. However, only Griswold, Radament and Nihlathak receive randomly selected Unique bonuses in Nightmare and Hell (Putrid Defilers are treated as normal Unique monsters, although their minions are still classed as bosses).
Ignores Target Defense only applies to any minions.
-% Target Defense from items is only 50% effective.
-% Defense from Cloak of Shadows does not apply.
Slow Missiles does not apply.
Only minions can be frozen: bosses can only be chilled.
Stun length does not apply.
AI cannot be altered directly, although that of any minions can.
Life lost to Crushing Blow is halved (so 1/8 current base life when applied by a melee attack and 1/16 when applied by a ranged attack, modified by Damage Resist %).
Act Bosses
The following bosses have to be defeated to allow you to move onto the next Act (or next difficulty level, in the case of Diablo in Classic and Baal in the Expansion) for the first time:
Diablo clone (World Event)
In addition to what has already been listed above for bosses, the following applies:
Holy Freeze does not slow or apply its cold radial damage.
Apply 200% damage to hirelings and 400% damage to pets.
Hirelings only apply 50% damage in Normal, 35% damage in Nightmare and 25% damage in Hell.
Pandemonimum Event
Uber Duriel
Uber Mephisto
Uber Diablo
Uber Baal
In addition to what has already been listed above for bosses and Act bosses, the following applies:
- Prevent Monster Heal does not apply.
- All have immunities and Unique bonuses which aren't displayed.
General modifiers for the Ubers:
Magic Resistant
Extra Fast
No additional modifiers
Multiple shots
"Poison Enhanced" (Radial poison damage when struck/on attack, poison damage added to attack)
Cold Enhanced
Cold Enhanced
Lightning Enhanced
Aura Enhanced (Aura is locked on conviction)
Cold Enhanced
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