Lilith (Demon) (Pandemonium Event)
Lilith is believed to be Queen of the Succubi and matriarch of demons. After her legions of Succubi and strongest daughter Andariel were killed by mortals who successfully defended the Worldstone, Lilith swore to personally intervene. She masterminded the revival of Diablo by manifesting herself in the mortal realm and performing a ritual of Dark Summoning. This ritual, long thought to be impossible by the most powerful mortal wizards, allowed Lilith to link with Diablo across realms, strengthening him until he was finally able to once again reincarnate himself in the mortal plane. Rage and a deep yearning for revenge boiled within the eyes of the Lord of Terror, and together he and Lilith resurrected the two remaining Prime Evils as well as Duriel and Izual, two of their strongest agents.
Diablo announced his grand plan - the Three were finally strong enough to spread Pandemonium throughout Sanctuary. Lilith could have easily conducted an assault on her own, but because she had been left severely weakened by the Dark Summoning ritual, she agreed to aid the Prime Evils and command some of their remaining forces.
Tips and Other Additional Information
Lilith has a deadly poison attack she will cast when you get up close. Whenever possible, fight from a distance. Antidote Potions come in very handy, as her poison attacks are far more potent than Andariel's. Her physical strikes are incredibly powerful, and gear which provides Physical Damage Reduction, Poison Resistance, and Reduced Poison Duration help immensely. Lilith cannot be slowed by Cold attacks.
Lilith regenerates life twice as fast as a normal monster.
Lilith is Poison Enchanted, adding ~464-710 poison damage over 56 seconds to her attacks, and firing an invisible missile applying ~2,062-2093 poison damage over 32 seconds (64 116/256 - 65 110/256 per second) and 2 148/256 - 2 158/256 poison damage per collision. This bonus and her poison immunity are not displayed.
~738 poison damage over 18 seconds is also added to her attacks (although both damage rate and length increase by 1/16 with each additional player in Ladder games), resulting in at least ~3,649-3,974 poison damage over 74 seconds (49 81/256 - 53 182/256 per second) in total. Critical hits double damage but not length.
Lilith uses the following Skills: Poison Spray, Poison Bolt.