Minion of Destruction (Demon)
These powerful minions are the personal pets of Baal. He can almost always be seen with at least two of them on either side
waiting for his command. When they attack, it is with such force that a warrior may feel like he was hit by twenty fists
and not just four. These beasts like to snap the neck of their prey with a single strike, dragging them off to eat for a future meal.
Tips and Other Additional Information
Minions of Destruction are only found in the Throne of Destruction.
Minions of Destruction use a stunning knockback attack.
There are 3 variations of Minions of Destruction that all look
The key to beating Minions of Destruction is to separate them.
Bring as many minions as you can to draw the attention of Minions
of Destruction away from yourself. Lead them out into the halls
and run around trying to separate them. You can sometimes get them
stuck where they cannot reach you. Using this method you can whittle
them down to a few monsters which will be much easier to take on
than the full group.
If you find yourself absolutely unable to kill the Minions of Destruction,
you can use this method. Cast a Town Portal in front of Baal, then
lure the Minions to the staircase where you entered the Throne
of Destruction. Return to the Waypoint at the Worldstone Keep Level
2 and travel back through your Town Portal. Without the Minions
in his line of sight, Baal will presume them dead and flee into
the Worldstone Chamber.