Death Mauler (Animal)
Death Mauler, Death Brawler, Death Slasher, Death Berserker, Death Brigadier
The Death Mauler is an earth demon that dwells deep within the network of subterranean caverns of the Burning Hells. They are well protected by
a hard shell bristling with spikes and a thick, gnarled hide. Hulking, tenacious beasts with the strength of twenty men, they can
attack at close range with enormous claws or use their special attack to strike from a distance. Be wary of this ranged attackthe
Death Mauler can discharge long, burrowing tentacles from his hands that travel quickly and surreptitiously under the ground, bursting forth and
impaling his opponents.
Tips and Other Additional Information
It's best to finish these off as quickly as possible because they can attack you in numbers from a distance using their spikes.