Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Tomb of Relics |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Undead
Death Knight |
Dread Lord |
Lich |
Crypt Lord
Units :
Acolyte |
Ghoul |
Crypt Fiend |
Gargoyle |
Abomination |
Meat Wagon
Necromancer |
Banshee |
Frost Wyrm |
Shade |
Skeleton Warrior |
Skeletal Mage
Infernal |
Carrion Beetle |
Obsidian Statue |
Unit Index |
Undead Index
Death Knights were once virtuous defenders of Humanity. However, once the Paladin ranks were disbanded
by the failing Alliance, many of these holy warriors traveled to the quarantined lands to ease
the suffering of those left within the plague-ridden colonies. Though the Paladins were immune to
disease of any kind, they were persecuted by the general populace who believed that they had been
infected by the foul plague. A small band of Paladins, embittered by society's cruelty, traveled
north to find the plague's source. These renegade Paladins succumbed to bitter hatred over the course
of their grueling quest. When they finally reached Ner'zhul's icy fortress in Northrend they had become
dark and brooding. The Lich King offered them untold power in exchange for their services and loyalty.
The weary, vengeful warriors accepted his dark pact, and although they retained their humanity, their
twisted souls were bound to his evil will for all time. Bestowed with black, vampiric Runeblades and
shadowy steeds, Death Knights serve as the Scourge's mightiest generals.
Hero |
Normal |
Hero |
2.33 |
Melee |
Strength |
2.7 |
1.5 |
1.8 |
Always |
.01 |
1 |
25-35 [30 avg]/None |
3 |
23 |
12 |
17 |
675 |
255 |
2 |
27-37 [32 avg]/None |
3 |
25 |
13 |
18 |
725 |
270 |
3 |
30-40 [35 avg]/None |
4 |
28 |
15 |
20 |
800 |
300 |
4 |
33-43 [38 avg]/None |
4 |
31 |
16 |
22 |
875 |
330 |
5 |
35-45 [40 avg]/None |
4 |
33 |
18 |
24 |
925 |
360 |
6 |
38-48 [43 avg]/None |
5 |
36 |
19 |
26 |
1000 |
390 |
7 |
41-51 [46 avg]/None |
5 |
39 |
21 |
27 |
1075 |
405 |
8 |
43-53 [48 avg]/None |
6 |
41 |
22 |
29 |
1125 |
435 |
9 |
46-56 [51 avg]/None |
6 |
44 |
24 |
31 |
1200 |
465 |
10 |
49-59 [54 avg]/None |
7 |
47 |
25 |
33 |
1275 |
495 |
Hero Names: Lord Nightsorrow, Lord Soulrender, Lord Dethstorm, Lord Maldazzar, Lord Darkhallow,
Lord Lightstalker, Baron Bloodbane, Baron Felblade, Duke Dreadmoore, Duke Ragereaver, Baron Frostfel,
Lord Darkscythe, Duke Wintermaul, Baron Perenolde, Baron Morte
The Death Knight is a melee Hero but attacks very slowly making him one of the lesser melee Heroes.
The Death Knight is typically the second Hero built by Undead players with the Dread Lord being the
first Hero. The Death Knight works very well with Ghouls because of his Unholy Aura, which also
combines well with the Dread Lord's Vampiric Aura. Death Coil is useful for healing the Death
Knight's army or allied Undead Heroes. Death Coil is also useful for attacking enemy Heroes or
units. Death Pact is rarely used but can help keep the Death Knight alive by eating Skeleton
Warriors. Animate Dead can be very powerful depending on the units raised and the timing.
Some jokingly refer to him as the healing Knight because 3 of his abilities (Death Coil,
Death Pact, Unholy Aura) can be used to heal damage. The Death Knight's Death Coil ability
makes him useful for healing units and for attacking other Heroes. His Unholy Aura ability
makes him helpful in large allied games where his aura can help a lot of units.
Although the Death Knight is a melee guy it's best to watch him very closely and remove him
from battle if attacked. He can be easily killed.
For skill point spending strategies most players research either Unholy Aura or Death Coil
first and maximize those stopping only to get Animate Dead at Level 6.
A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly undead unit.
1 |
N/A |
6 sec. |
75 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Organic, Not Self |
Damages 100 or Heals 200 HP |
1 |
2 |
N/A |
6 sec. |
75 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Organic, Not Self |
Damages 200 or Heals 400 HP |
3 |
3 |
N/A |
6 sec. |
75 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Organic, Not Self |
Damages 300 or Heals 600 HP |
5 |
Death Coil
The Death Knight's Death Coil ability is a great healer for Undead units and even for the Neutral Heroes Dark
Ranger and Pit lord. Death Coil can also be used to heal allied Heroes and your own second Hero. Advanced
players often use a Death Knight for this purpose.
Death Coil is also good against early rushes where the enemy targets your workers. You can use a Death
Coil to heal your Acolytes that are under attack or combat units.
Death Coil is especially useful to finish off running enemy Heroes that are near death.
Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the
Death Knight.
1 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
50 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
100% conversion |
1 |
2 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
50 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
200% conversion |
3 |
3 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
50 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
300% conversion |
5 |
Death Pact Information
The more powerful a unit you consume, the more healing you receive. Few players understand or use this ability.
Often enemy units focus their attacks on your Hero. This spell can make them pay when they do that. As they
are attacking your Hero simply use Death Pact to regain his hit points. This ability is best used on Skeletons
or Carrion Beetles.
Death Pact can be used on invulnerable units.
Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units.
1 |
Unlimited |
N/A |
None |
N/A |
90 |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
+10% movement, +0.5 HP/sec. |
1 |
2 |
Unlimited |
N/A |
None |
N/A |
90 |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
+20% movement, +1 HP/sec. |
3 |
3 |
Unlimited |
N/A |
None |
N/A |
90 |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
+30% movement, +1.5 HP/sec. |
5 |
Unholy Aura
Unholy Aura is very useful for the Undead since they cannot regenerate off of their Blight. The faster
movement speed is also great. Often Undead players use both Vampiric Aura and Unholy Aura together with
upgraded Ghouls.
This ability can also be used to restore the health of mechanical units such as the Meat Wagon and the Obsidian Statue.
Raises 6 dead units in an area to fight for the Death Knight. Animated units are invulnerable.
N/A |
40 sec. |
180 sec. |
175 |
40 |
90 |
Ground, Dead |
Raises Dead Units |
6 |
Animate Dead Information
It is important to pick the right time to cast Animate Dead. The best time to use it is when there
are at least 6 dead units that are very powerful such as Knights, Tauren, Abominations, Huntresses,
or Bears. Another possible option is to collect powerful Creeps in a Meat Wagon then unload them in
a battle and cast Animate Dead.
Up to 6 units can be resurrected. The spell will choose the most powerful corpses to resurrect if
there are
more than 6.
Animate Dead will raise dead enemy units or neutral units as well as your own.
Units raised by Animate Dead are invulnerable to dispels as well as damage.
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