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Hero Items Index |
Charged Hero Items |
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Permanent Hero Items |
Artifact Hero Items
Reveals enemy invisible units in a target area. Lasts 20 seconds.
Regenerates a target unit's hit points by 400 over 45 seconds when used.
This ability will be canceled if the units using the potion are
attacked or are hit by a spell which does damage. So use it when the unit is away from battle.
1 |
3 |
50 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self, Organic |
Buyable at Voodoo Lounge |
Drops a ward that heals nearby friendly units for 20 seconds.
Creates two Skeleton Warriors from a corpse.
Drops a Sentry Ward to spy upon an area for 5 minutes. Sentry Wards can be used
to reveal invisible units.
This mystic stone summons 1 Furbolg to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
5 |
3 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
20 sec. Cooldown |
Create an illusory double of the targeted unit when used. The illusory double deals no damage to enemy units, takes
2 times the damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear after 60 seconds or when its hit points reach zero.
You cannot cast Illusion on hostile units.
2 |
3 |
50 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
See Below |
Allows the Hero to cast Lightning Shield on a target unit. Lightning Shield surrounds a unit with electricity, damaging nearby units.
2 |
2 |
50 |
20 |
Ground, Friend, Enemy |
Cooldown 20 sec, Duration 20 sec, 15 damage/sec |
Steals mana from a target unit and gives it to the Hero.
3 |
2 |
50 |
Unit |
Not Self |
Cool: 10 sec. |
Dispels all magical effects in a target area.
Dispels Buffs/De-buffs/effects but does not dispel Summoned Units. Also, if you target a hostile unit,
it will only dispel hostiles. If you target a friendly unit, it will only dispel friendlies.
2 |
3 |
70 |
40 |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self, Enemy |
Allows the Hero to cast Cyclone. Cyclone tosses a target enemy unit into the air, rendering them unable to attack, move, or casts spells.
4 |
3 |
60 |
Unit |
Ground, Enemy, Neutral |
Duration 10 (5.6) seconds |
Wand of Illusion
This item is very useful. You can use it to create Illusions of dangerous units (like Mountain Giants) to make the enemy think you have
more than you have. You can create Illusions of weak Heroes that the enemy might be after such as the Archmage. You can use Illusions to
trick the enemy into chasing the Illusion rather than your real army. You can use an Illusion to attack an enemy town and maybe they
will Teleport back to fight it not realizing it is a fake. You can also cast Illusions on allied units.
Wand of Illusion Counters
Dispel them. Usually if you think the enemy is doing something really stupid with their Hero or a unit, it's an Illusion. When the Illusion
attacks something, select it and see if it's taking any damage. If it is not then you know it's a fake. Read more counters.
[ Click to Enlarge - 148 KB ]
Ghostridah uses an Illusion to scout the enemy army.
Hero Items Index
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