Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Ancient of Wonders |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Night Elves
Demon Hunter |
Keeper of the Grove |
Priestess of the Moon |
Units :
Wisp |
Archer |
Huntress |
Glaive Thrower |
Dryad |
Druid of the Claw
Mountain Giant |
Hippogryph |
Druid of the Talon |
Faerie Dragon |
Hippogryph Rider |
Treant |
Owl |
Avatar of Vengeance |
Spirit of Vengeance
Unit Index |
Night Elf Index
Avatar of Vengeance is created by the Warden when she casts Vengeance. The Avatar of
Vengeance will disappear after a period of time.
7 |
Summoned |
Normal |
Missile |
Heavy |
2 |
30.5 avg |
30.5 avg |
1.35 |
*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
1200 |
Always |
400 |
2 |
45 |
120 |
100 (120*) |
Fast (320) |
N/A |
Warden |
Vengeance |
1 |
V |
The Avatar of Vengeance lasts 180 seconds.
Q: Why does the Avatar of Vengeance have both Spell Immunity and Resistant Skin?
A: Resistant Skin means you can't charm it and use abilities like Entangling Roots and Ensnare. Other abilities are made less powerful.
Spell immunity makes the Avatar of Vengeance immune to spells.
Avatar/Spirit of Vengeance Counters
Players wanting to stop the Spirits of Vengeance should target the Avatar of Vengeance and destroy it. Players controlling the
Avatar of Vengeance should always run with it when the enemy targets it. If you cannot destroy the Avatar of Vengeance, run.
Spirits of Vengeance are summoned units and can be damaged by spells that hurt summoned units.
[ Click to Enlarge - 181 KB ]
The Human tries to kill the Avatar of Vengeance.
[ Click to Enlarge - 167 KB ]
Failing to kill the Avatar of Vengeance the Human player does the wise thing, run away!
Always Available |
None |
Spirit of Vengeance Information
You cannot have more than 6 Spirits of Vengeance at any given time.
Renders this unit immune to negative spells.
Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain spells.
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