Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Ancient of Wonders |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Night Elves
Demon Hunter |
Keeper of the Grove |
Priestess of the Moon |
Units :
Wisp |
Archer |
Huntress |
Glaive Thrower |
Dryad |
Druid of the Claw
Mountain Giant |
Hippogryph |
Druid of the Talon |
Faerie Dragon |
Hippogryph Rider |
Treant |
Owl |
Avatar of Vengeance |
Spirit of Vengeance
Unit Index |
Night Elf Index
The enchanted Dryads are the daughters of the Night Elf demigod, Cenarius. The playful, frolicking
creatures vaguely resemble centaurs (their cursed cousins), but have bodies more akin to woodland
fauns. They are swift and sure and are at peace with all of the children of the forest. Though they
abhor unnecessary violence, the Dryads will defend the wildlands of Kalimdor with their lives if need be.
3 |
Normal |
Pierce |
Missile |
Unarmored |
0 (6*) |
18 avg (24 avg*) |
*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
18 avg (24 avg*) |
2 |
435 |
Night |
200 |
0.75 |
50 |
140 |
80 (140*) |
Fast (350) |
30 |
Ancient of Lore |
None |
1 |
D |
Typically the Dryad is used in a support role in large games, while in small games players can
focus entirely on Dryads. The Dryad does less damage than both the Archer and the Huntress and is
easily killed.
You can heal the Dryad using Moon Wells or the Keeper of the Grove's Tranquility Ultimate spell.
But advanced players can really work wonders with Dryads with good control methods. The key is to
keep enemy melee units away from the Dryads and to do lots of hit-and-run attacks as you do with
ranged unit control. A big advantage of the Dryad
is its ability to poison enemies and slow their attack and movement speed. Also the Dryad's Abolish Magic ability
can remove any negative spells on your units and remove positive spells on enemy units.
The Dryad really shines in its ability to prevent enemy units from running away. Enemy armies
running away is a common situation giving the Dryad plenty of opportunities to kill a few of the
enemy units at the tail end of their retreat train. Enemy units are slowed for 5 seconds giving
you plenty of time to finish them off. Dryads can even be used on running Heroes but they will
only slow the enemy Heroes for 1 second due to their magical resistance. However, if you have
multiple Dryads continually hitting a Hero you can keep them slowed almost the entire time
despite the 1 second length of Slow Poison on Heroes.
You will often want two Ancient of Lore buildings so you can research Abolish Magic and
train Dryads at the same time. This also makes it easier to switch to Druids of the Claw.
For the best results each Dryad should keep a different unit slowed. You can do this by
TillerMaN's suggested method of assigning each Dryad to a different control group. Using this method
you can quickly assign a Dryad to a specific enemy unit and keep them slowed.
vs. Night Elves
The Dryad should not be used solely in facing enemy Huntresses. Huntresses can easily work
large groups of Dryads even when slowed. Use Huntresses, Archers, or Bears with your Dryads to face the enemy Huntresses.
vs. Spellcasters
The Dryad can help assist against spellcasters such as Shaman, and Sorceress that are buffing
their troops or that are hurting your troops. But be reminded that Dryads have only 200 mana while
normal spellcasters can have as much as 400 mana with master training. This means they can't compete
at full mana with equal numbers and can only really assist in removing some of the spells. To
properly deal with enemy spellcasters you will not only have to dispel their buffs but kill the
casters themselves. The Dryad can help in this area by using Slow Poison to reduce spellcaster's
movement speed which will make it hard to impossible for them to run away. You can then use other
units such as the Huntress, Archer, or Bear to finish off the enemy spellcasters.
Some Dryad Counters
Ranged Units with focused fire
Surrounded with melee units and kill
Night Elves
Huntress - Rush, surround, then kill with focused fire
Archers - kill with focused fire
A poison attack that deals 4 damage per second, and slows the target enemies movement by 50% and attack by 25% for
5 seconds (1 second Heroes).
Always Available |
None |
5 (1) sec. |
None |
None |
N/A |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Organic |
4 damage/sec, 50% less movement rate, 25% slower attack rate |
Slow Poison Information
Slow Poison does not need to be researched and is always available.
Dispels positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units. Deals 300 damage to summoned units.
Ancient of Lore |
None |
45 sec. |
Instant |
1 sec. |
50 |
50 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Ward |
Removes Spell, 300 damage to summoned units |
Abolish Magic
Be sure to research Abolish Magic as soon as possible. Usually you want to leave Abolish Magic always on but in some situations you want to build up mana if you need to cancel spells such as Polymorph to ensure you will have enough mana.
The Dryad does not automatically cast Abolish Magic on summoned units so you will have to do this manually yourself. In the case of
Necromancer's Skeletons this might not be easy and it's best to use Wisp Detonate instead.
Dryads can easily use Abolish Magic to kill Archmage Water Elementals, Keeper of the Grove Treants, Farseer Spirit Wolves.
You can use Moon Wells to fill up the Dryad's mana before entering combat. Although you may wish to save your Moon Wells for healing health of returning combat troops.
Abolish Magic will not remove positive buffs on friendlies or negative buffs on enemies. Abolish Magic no longer auto-dispels
hero spells.
Renders this unit immune to spells.
Always Available |
None |
Increases the damage of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants,
Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the damage of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants,
Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Ages |
75 sec. |
Further increases the damage of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants,
Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Eternity |
90 sec. |
Increases the armor of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads,
Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the armor of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads,
Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Ages |
75 sec. |
Further increases
the armor of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads,
Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Eternity |
90 sec. |
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