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Overview | Heroes and Units | Unit Stats | Tech-tree | Ancient of Wonders | Building Stats | Basics | Advanced | Combos | Defeating Night Elves

Heroes: Demon Hunter | Keeper of the Grove | Priestess of the Moon | Warden
Units : Wisp | Archer | Huntress | Glaive Thrower | Dryad | Druid of the Claw
Mountain Giant | Hippogryph | Druid of the Talon | Faerie Dragon | Hippogryph Rider | Chimaera
Treant | Owl | Avatar of Vengeance | Spirit of Vengeance
Unit Index | Night Elf Index

Long-range siege weaponry. Exceptional damage versus buildings. Cannot attack air units.

Level: 4
Cost: 210 65 3
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Aline
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 2
Ground Attack: 44.5 avg
(64 avg*)

*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
Air Attack: None
Cooldown: 3.5
Full Damage Area: 2.5
2/5 Damage Area: 5
1/4 Damage Area: 15
Hit Points: 300
Health Regeneration: No
Mana: None
Mana Regeneration: N/A
Minimum Range: 25
Maximum Range: 115
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 120 (140*)
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 48
Trained At: Ancient of War
Requirements: Hunter's Hall
Transport Space
Production Hot Key: B

Be sure to research Impaling Bolt so that your Ballistae are more effective. You must research Impaling Bolt to hit trees. Trees will not be harmed by the follow-through damage from the Impaling Bolt. You can use the Attack Ground command to damage multiple trees. Impaling Bolt does not work with Attack Ground.

This unit does splash damage. Check out the above stats information for the areas of damage.

Ballistae have a minimum range which means they cannot attack melee units or any units right next to them. You will have to move them away to hit targets right next to them.

[ Click to Enlarge - 264 KB ]
Bring Wisps with Ballistae to repair them during and after battle.

Impaling Bolt (Passive)
Permits the bolts launched by the Ballista to strike through the initial ground targets and damage those behind. Allows Ballistae to damage trees.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
125 100 Ancient of War Tree of Ages, Hunter's Hall 60 sec.

Strength of the Moon
Increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
125 75 Hunter's Hall None 60 sec.

Improved Strength of the Moon
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
175 175 Hunter's Hall Tree of Ages 75 sec.

Advanced Strength of the Moon
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
225 275 Hunter's Hall Tree of Eternity 90 sec.

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