Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Voodoo Lounge |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Orcs
Blademaster |
Far Seer |
Tauren Chieftain |
Shadow Hunter
Units :
Peon |
Grunt |
Troll Headhunter |
Troll Berserker |
Demolisher |
Witch Doctor |
Spirit Walker |
Raider |
Kodo Beast |
Wind Rider |
Troll Batrider
Tauren |
Spirit Wolf |
Dire Wolf |
Shadow Wolf |
Serpent Ward
Unit Index |
Orc Index
The colossal kodo beasts of the Kalimdor plains proved to be valued allies of the Orcish Horde. The mighty beasts
were charged with carrying the Orcs’ pounding war drums into battle. The huge kodos, serving as symbols of Orcish
might and valor, also use their enormous size and strength to aid the Orcs in battle.
4 |
Normal |
Pierce |
Missile |
Unarmored |
1 |
18 |
*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
18 |
1.44 |
1000 |
Always |
None |
N/A |
50 |
140 |
80 |
Slow (220) |
30 |
Beastiary |
War Mill |
2 |
K |
Although the Kodo Beast has the unarmored armor type, he has 1 armor. The unarmored armor type is used for balance reasons.
Use Kodo Beasts to eat powerful units such as Tauren, Abominations, and Knights. A large group of Kodo Beasts are useful for hit and run attacks, especially when combined with an allies' army. But most often, Orc players will bring along just one or possibly two Kodo Beasts with their army. Kodo Beasts are even more useful in team games since they can then benefit an even larger army.
When Kodo Beasts Devour a unit, the Kodo Beast's vision is given to the owner (enemy player) of the unit Devoured until the unit
inside the Kodo Beast is fully Devoured.
Do not Devour creeps that drop items.
Consumes a target unit, slowly digesting it and dealing 5 damage per second to it.
If the Kodo Beast is killed while the consumed unit is still
being digested, the unit that was devoured will pop out.
Always Available |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
10 |
Unit |
Ground, Non Hero, Enemy |
Devours Unit |
All friendly units within the aura's area of effect have their attack increased.
Always Available |
None |
Unlimited |
None |
None |
N/A |
90 |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
Damage +10% |
Increases the damage bonus that the War Drums aura on the Kodo Beast gives. War Drums
increases the damage of friendly units around the Kodo Beasts. Damage is increased by 10%.
Beastiary |
War Mill, Fortress |
40 sec. |
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